Tuesday, September 20, 2011

May 20, 1953 - Journal of Aaron White

Katrina's gone. We woke up this morning and she left a note saying

"By the time you guys get this i'll already be gone. I cant go on without Matt. I miss him so much and I just have to go. Even if those things kill me, at least I'll be with him. I am so sorry you guys, but you can make it without me. Just please stay safe until Jenna has the baby. I hope you all live to see the end of this. Please just go on and be happy."

The letter was stained and had wet spots from her tears. I can't believe she left to go and die. I can only hope she meets her end with as little pain as possible. God if you're there, please watch over her.

After we found the letter, we headed towards town, in hopes of finding another vehicle. We went inside a store and managed to get some food and a new notebook to document the journey. When we left we decided to poke around some, maybe find some survivors. But all we found were those damn cocoons.

We're currently held up in the store we found, its too dark to travel. Hopefully this won't be my last entry.

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