Tuesday, September 13, 2011

May 14th, 1953 1:23 Journal of Aaron White

Something happend. Something attacked the city... I ended up sleeping in for some odd reason. Jenna woke me up saying that some weird ships were hanging over the city and firing down at us. We grabbed the radio and headed down into the basement. When I turned it on, I could hear Henry Still man describing it, I still remember his words:

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Henry Stillman, Radio USA, Philadelphia. Today our country trembles. Torn by war with an enemy the likes of which we have never seen. The May sky before me chokes on clouds of dust, the smell of death drifting from the rubble that what was once the city of brotherly love. Yes ladies and gentlemen, today truly is the blackest day in our great nation's history! By now you've heard the klaxons blaring through every school, hospital, and protection camp in the country. You've heard reports of the giant monoliths hanging over our shores and cities. If anyone in these affected areas are listening to this broadcast, I implore you, please gather your loved ones and evacuate immediately!"

I don't know what we're going to do. I know we have to get out of this place though. Maybe its just Philadelphia. We're getting ready to leave. Im going to try and keep this journal. Incase anything happens to us, it may be useful in the future, if anything happens to us.

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