Monday, September 26, 2011

May 27th, 1953 - Journal of Aaron White

Its too early too be up, but Jenna is resting and I need to take care of the baby. Thats right our baby finally came. On May 25th, 1953, Skylar Hope White was born. Despite all the horrible things that have happened, it was the happiest day of my life. But soon it could all be taken away, as oon as Jenna is able to take care of the baby, Im going to enlist to fight off those beasts. This country has done so much for my family, then they come and destroy everything. I love my family, and I wish I could help out here so that I could be with them, but they need people to fight, search for supplies, and find survivors.

Im calling it a night as soon as the baby is asleep. Things are going slow, so I might not even need to write as much anymore. At least until its time to help out.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

May 22, 1953 - Journal of Aaron White

Its about 5:30 here, we made it to Norfolk. Its been heavily barricaded because of the attacks. I asked about John and my parents, but I've been told that John was sent to look for survivors in a nearby town 2 about 8 hours ago, but hasn't reported back. They also say that my parents aren't on the list of occupants. I suppose they never made it this far. God bless them.

They baby is due any weak now. Or at least thats what a doctor here says. They also need men to help them fight, I plan on volunteering after the baby is born.

But thats not the main point at this moment, I need my rest.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

May 20, 1953 - Journal of Aaron White

Katrina's gone. We woke up this morning and she left a note saying

"By the time you guys get this i'll already be gone. I cant go on without Matt. I miss him so much and I just have to go. Even if those things kill me, at least I'll be with him. I am so sorry you guys, but you can make it without me. Just please stay safe until Jenna has the baby. I hope you all live to see the end of this. Please just go on and be happy."

The letter was stained and had wet spots from her tears. I can't believe she left to go and die. I can only hope she meets her end with as little pain as possible. God if you're there, please watch over her.

After we found the letter, we headed towards town, in hopes of finding another vehicle. We went inside a store and managed to get some food and a new notebook to document the journey. When we left we decided to poke around some, maybe find some survivors. But all we found were those damn cocoons.

We're currently held up in the store we found, its too dark to travel. Hopefully this won't be my last entry.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

May 18th, 1953 - Journal of Aaron White

its about 2:30 and we just ran out of gas somewhere in Virginia. These creatures are relentless. We drove by 2 towns yesterday that were completely empty of people. Just those weird cocoon things. We'll be sleeping in the car for the rest of the night, then we'll try to head into a town. We need transportation and I need more paper if I'm going to continue with the journal.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

May 16th, 1953 - Journal of Aarin White

We did it!, we're out of Pennsylvania and on the road. I feel terrible though, I stole someones car earlier. What if that man or woman gets killed by these creatures? It would be my fault because I stole what could help them escape. Its too late now though, If I followed this map right, we should be getting close to Cassville, West Virginia. We have no food, so we have to stop and eat.

I heard on the radio, these things are attacking everywhere, aome even attacked San Fransisco around the same time as us. Maybe no place is safe, but w're still going to the base in Norfolk.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

May 15th, 1953 Journal of Aaron White

I woke up this morning to sounds of gunfire and explosions. Those things must be advancing further. We've mad the decision to avoid major cities, especiailly after what happened back home. Why is the military trying to keep people in the cities? Its like they're afraid of us being around people outside the city. Only small towns are safe now. We managed to wander into one and find a radio. Philidelphia is getting worse. I don't know if anyone other than that Henry guy are alive. He said people were being loaded into trucks and taken out of the city. But the one carying his wife was attacked by some strange spider things that wrapped people in caccoons. What are those things doing to us? Its like they are trying to turn us, like how a caterpiller turns into a butterfly.

We're currently at a hotel, the lady at the front desk says we are roughly a mile from Oakdale, still in Pennsylvania. I beleieve we're safe here, so I won't have to keep watch. We have to wake up early though, I have a plan.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

May 14th, 1953 8:20 p.m. Journal of Aaron White

We've stopped for a small break. We tried leaving the city some time after my last entry. Some men in black uniforms had the roads blocked off already. We had to turn around and just leave the car sitting there. Jenna suggested just waiting it out but I knew it wasn't possible. Our neighbors Matt and Katrina said the best way out is through the sewers, and that we should stick together through this.

So after Matt grabbed two pistols, we went through the sewers. Seemed like we were down there for days, but it was only a few hours. We ran into these strange spider-like creatures, Matt and I tried to stay and kill a few while Katrina helped Jenna climb a ladder to the surface. One of the creatures got him... it jumped on his face and just wouldnt let go. I feel so terrible, I just froze while he tried to fight it off. But more kept coming. His last words were "just go". Maybe he knew he was done for. So I climbed up the ladder and covered the manhole.

I think we're currently somewhere around Carnegie, but I'm not positive. We're goign to just rest here for the rest of the night, hopefully things arent as bad in other places across the country.

May 14th, 1953 1:23 Journal of Aaron White

Something happend. Something attacked the city... I ended up sleeping in for some odd reason. Jenna woke me up saying that some weird ships were hanging over the city and firing down at us. We grabbed the radio and headed down into the basement. When I turned it on, I could hear Henry Still man describing it, I still remember his words:

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Henry Stillman, Radio USA, Philadelphia. Today our country trembles. Torn by war with an enemy the likes of which we have never seen. The May sky before me chokes on clouds of dust, the smell of death drifting from the rubble that what was once the city of brotherly love. Yes ladies and gentlemen, today truly is the blackest day in our great nation's history! By now you've heard the klaxons blaring through every school, hospital, and protection camp in the country. You've heard reports of the giant monoliths hanging over our shores and cities. If anyone in these affected areas are listening to this broadcast, I implore you, please gather your loved ones and evacuate immediately!"

I don't know what we're going to do. I know we have to get out of this place though. Maybe its just Philadelphia. We're getting ready to leave. Im going to try and keep this journal. Incase anything happens to us, it may be useful in the future, if anything happens to us.

Monday, September 12, 2011

May 13th, 1953- Journal of Aaron White

Well, today was my final day at work. I try my best to help make that company the best law firm it can be but it's just not possible with the way they run that place, so I quit. I haven't told Jenna yet, shes been worrying about providing for the baby when it comes and because of th letter that James sent saying that something strange has been happening in Canada, he asked us all to move onto the base down in Norfolk. Mom and Dad went, but we told them we would be just fine. I hope thats true. We saw some military or army trucks driving through town, so maybe something is going on.

I suppose I will start looking for another job in the morning, I need another one soon. If all goes well I will tell her I quit today, it's not something I want to hide, it's just not great timing. Well, time to call it a day, looks like it will be a busy day tomorrow.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

May 12th, 1953- Journal of Aaron White

I really hate these hard days at work, I get a headache just thinking of all this legal stuff. But at least I get to come home to my beautiful wife Jenna. Its hard to believe that we have been together for 9 months, with everything thats going, it seems like time has flown by. Especially with the new job, Dad's stroke, and Jenna's pregnancy, Im surprised we all made it through in one peace. Im still trying to work out the surprise for our anniversary. Maybe I'll take her to that new place that just opened up a few weeks ago. Mom and Dad took James there before he deployed, they said it was surprisingly good. I just wish I could have gone, It was probably my last chance to see my own brother before he left.... But I had to get that paper work ready for the next day, Otherwise my boss will have my head. God I hate that dick.

Well I suppose thats all for tonight, need to get some rest for tomorrow.