Tuesday, November 8, 2011

July 8th, 1953 - Journal of Aaron White

Its been days since I last wrote. I have yet to get over what happened. In just a matter of hours, I lost everything important to me. My wife, my daughter, and my brother.

Several of us were sent out by boat to where the whole originally appeared. Someone pointed out that the base was on fire. We sped back as fast as we could, but we were too late. Those batards had killed or captured everyone in the base.

I found my daughter... those monsters killed her.. there are no words to express my sorrow or my anger. I want them all dead.

Jenna was nowhere to be found, they must have taken her. I plan to have a burial for my daughter, then I plan to look for those bastards that took my wife. I just hope I am not too late.

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